Thursday 27 October 2016

SharePoint gets its official Windows 10 Mobile apps

There was a time, when people used to rumor about the Sharepoint Windows 10 app. And now it is leveraging in the Windows market. Yes, you can download it at any time from the store, but there is an exception.

This SharePoint is a document and collaboration sharing tool for the Office 365 and generally used by large enterprises and businesses and hence there is an exception. You would need School or Microsoft account to use the app.

If you have this account, you can easily enjoy all the features:-
  • Navigate from Sites to team sites that you generally follow
  • Navigate from Links to sites configured by your firm.
  • Check out the recent activity on your team site.
  • You can edit the documents using the files using the Office Mobile apps like Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote.
  • Learn more about the people you work and check out what they are working on.
  • Perform a wide search and get to know everything about the organization.
Microsoft stated, and described it in the official blog post

The mobile app for SharePoint guides you in moving forward by providing the quick access to your team sites, organizational portals and the people you work with the throughout Office 365 by letting you search for the Content and the people across the organization. Microsoft graph enables you to power the several of the in-app experiences, providing you with the relevant information to get to the content and the people you work with the most frequently.

Tuesday 25 October 2016

How to get your eCommerce site ready for Black Friday

Do you think it is quite early to get your websites and applications ready for the holiday rush of the consumers? Today more and more customers are looking for the online deals and hence, your eCommerce website would be in the boom than ever. Recent statistics has shown that the biggest eCommerce sites like, have been struck down by the Black Friday outages thanks to unprecedented traffic spikes brought by sales and deals. By this, they are not only able to make purchases but also not no access to the websites.

Performance is the key
Some noteworthy things like website performance, page loading, perfect information on a page, and much more is very difficult to ensure that the consumers stay on your website and make purchases. According to the statistics, even the milliseconds does matter.
  • In just an eye-blink consumers get away due to the little delay in page load
  • Page delay leads to the fewer page views, a decrease in the customers, reduction in sales and customer satisfaction
  • For instance, if your website earns USD 90,000 every day, you risk of losing more than USD 2 million annually if your site is slow
  • Complex websites, multiple pages, dynamic content fields, site overloads and many more things lead directly to the bottom-line results
Additionally, this performance distracts all the necessary ideas that your website is actually up and running. Have you ever thought, what would happen if the site fails or buckles up in the middle of the process? You can lose valuable sales, need to spend a lot of time and resource trying to fix the problem and running again in high demand.

Holidays can put much pressure on the websites and their backends as they can on consumers and wallets. You can get ready if you put all things in a correct way.

Worried??  Consult an experienced eCommerce solutions development company to get the right solution!

Thursday 20 October 2016

4 Reasons to buy Google Pixel

Google is recently up with its all new Pixel smartphones. The traditional days of the Nexus upgrades are gone. Instead, a new device - Google Pixel is much similar to a premium headset with the thoughtful design. It is integrated with some heavyweight features, the best camera, and unlimited media storage. But is it worth a money?

The most amazing thing about this phone is its overall DxOMark Mobile score of 89, which is considered as the biggest score in the smartphone industry. Previous Nexus headsets have struggled quite a lot in the camera ecosystem, veering from very good to quite average. It has 12.3MP snapper and captures great back-lit scenes. It is quite impressive that HDR is turned on by default and doesn’t have any shutter lag. The quality of the picture, noise reduction, and color reproduction that all looked impressive.

Google Assistant is a traditional one but is dressed up with the entire new entity. This re-brand makes a great personal assistant with the much better functionality. It is enhanced by holding a 2-way conversation. So if you ask a question such as “What restaurants are nearby?” Assistant will deliver. But it’ll also let you ask to follow up questions, like “which one is very near,” “reserve a table for me” and then “navigate me to that restaurant,” which then brings up Maps. The more you interact, the more assistant learns about your habits and customize its answers.

Free unlimited Photo storage
It is the fact that Pixel owners would get the free unlimited drive storage photos which are a huge boon. This is one of the amazing things who always cry out loud just for the sake of memory.

Faster Charging
It has got the fastest charging than most of the phones. It claims that the phone will last 7 hours on a 15-minute charge obviously it depends on the use of the phone, but overall it takes pride in charging. The thing is, its battery life is XL. 6P had a poor battery life. Hopefully, it is not same with Pixel.

The improved design is the quiet classy with the great camera. It is obvious that unlimited storage doesn’t come cheap. The most expensive model cost $819 which is similar to the iPhone7.

Tuesday 18 October 2016

All you need to know about iPhone 8

Next Apple phone may be called the iPhone 8 according to the recent reports and the handset is expected to feature a new face which has almost entirely taken up the display. Home button would go away anyway and there are plenty of justification to support the same idea but yet there are no pieces of evidence that the top bezel of the handset would also be removed.

The bottom bezel only houses the home button, which means that Apple can turn that unused real estate into screen space by burying the button under the display. And the apple patents already proved that currently, such technology is in development.

But the top bezel is likely more complex as it contains many things that include a light sensor, proximity sensor, front speaker, and front-facing camera. To get rid of the top bezel, Apple needs to add this features to a display. But if they reduce the size only some components need to be moved.

Some of the news discovered by the Apple Insider revealed that Apple is looking to relocate the front-facing sensors to beneath the display and hence it seemed that Apple is now not satisfied with the bezels on the iPhone. But in reality, the technology would not accommodate Apple’s design ideas.

Interestingly, it also seemed that the next iPhone will have OLED display rather than LCD display. The details will be included in the next-gen iPhone. If Apple is highlighting the type of technology, it meant to figure out the camera and speaker in the display as well. Future of the iPhone will be the only screen you will be holding in your hand.

Friday 14 October 2016

Web Development with PHP frameworks

Web Development refers to the coding of the web content and to be precise it refers to the client and server scripting. Web Development is quite a different from the other programming and it requires a sufficient knowledge of the application in client server area, network security, and database. On the client side, generally, JavaScript is used for the great user experience to design and implement the web application. The most common languages used for the web programming are XML, HTML, JavaScript, Perl5, and PHP. These programming languages also ensure that there are enough plugins to customize the applications according to the requirements.

Following are some of the categories of web programming:


Validations that are static and dynamic both permits the engine of JavaScript to follow Ahead of Time (AOT) strategy for the asm.js code. Asm.js is a language of the abstract machine designed to do the analysis of the computer programs. This allows the computer software to run the web application with the better standards and other javascript.asm.js is a subset of a JavaScript and is used as a low-level machine language which is much benefited to the compilers.

Bigwig Programing language

Bigwig is the high level and domain specific programming language designed to build for interact drive webs services. The <bigwig> has a look and feel of “C” language but with special data and structures. The main aim of <bigwig> is to remove the uncertainties of the developers by lowering the cost by giving the output with increased functionality and reliability. Macro Mechanism is used for combining the sub-languages of bigwig


Dart is a language developed by Google. This is the programming language is used to for developing mobile applications and IoT (internet of things). It is open source and object oriented language much like “C”. 

There are 2 runtime modes of Dart:
Checked Mode: In this type of mode, the static code is provided and can catch some bugs when the proper match is not found. For instance, when some methods are defined as the string and during runtime returns the integer. It will throw an exception.

Production Mode: This is the default mode as it is the fastest way to run the programs. It must be turned off and runs all dynamic type of assertions.


DataViva is a platform run on Brazil. It provides the complete information about the exports, locality, and occupation of entire Brazil. This is done through eight apps and more than 1 trillion visualizations. Some of the descriptive data is shown through tree mapping and prescriptive data uses calculation analytics to visualize the data. The main purpose of this information is for the growth and development of the country and this proves to be the new way to convert data into knowledge and action.

HTML5 Audio

HTML5 is a markup language for representing the content on www. HTML5 Audio incorporates audio tag which represents sound for audio input, playback, and speech to text in the browser. Mostly it is used for an audio file on the web page. The web audio API which is high-level JavaScript API developed with the primary goal of audio routing graph.


JavaScript is highly dynamic and prototype language used for client-side scripting. It plays a main role in the user interface on web pages. If you are looking to develop any professional website that JavaScript is the must as it will make interactive, user-friendly and attractive web pages. Apart from this it also helps you in optimizing the speed of your application. JavaScript is the object oriented language and the easiest language to start with.

Thursday 13 October 2016

Will your smartphone replace your PC or Laptop?

“If you look from the world perspective, it is fundamentally our primary computer device. The PC has very much become a secondary computer device.”

Technology is advancing and the fine line of difference between mobile and laptop is almost hazy. Now this post-PC era has merged both the devices. In the past years, people believed that though one spends hours in using the smartphone, laptop screens will be replaced with the bigger one, high functionality keyboards, and mouse, every gadget will be giant. You might be thinking that bigger screen gadgets is a sign of luxury, but is it so in this era? The answer is big NO. 

Every gadget is getting compact with all the inbuilt and high defined functionality. Who knew, a tiny smartphone will be heading with everything you always wanted and will change your day to day life and will give you real solutions.

It is the hilarious idea to take the smartphone when you are traveling instead of your Laptop. These days smartphone fulfills all your computer needs. Internet-connected smartphones are always the first priority for everybody, especially in many developing countries. Research shows that most of the African and Asians use their cell phones for getting information, bill payments, social networking and more. The day starts and ends with cell phones. Its price has majorly decreased and hence everybody can afford to buy. Those who have never used computer device before have their own small compact in their pocket.

After some years, Virtual Reality will be booming and will be able to handle 4K streaming, multitasking much more than now and much more other things. For instance iPhone, it’s A8 chip is tremendous faster than the chips which were used in the past iPhones. And the Snapdragon 810 has amazing video streaming and 3D game capabilities. And if we think about the storage place, then the smartphone does have the high storing facility even compared to the modern laptops. So why to take a laptop when you can do everything with your phone.

The cool new things with the Laptop is that it has got a touch screen, well smartphones already had touch screen some year before. And for the internet connectivity, you need to take out the laptop and search for the free WIFI or you have to connect it with a modem. But with the smartphone, you always have internet in it. Of course, you need to have data pack then no internet connection at all.

And the best thing with the smartphone is it is always with you, wherever you go. And whenever there is an emergency to fire any E-mail or you want to Google anything – Do you relay think his world will be using a laptop to do such things?

Hence it is suspiciously proved that Smartphones have replaced Laptops!

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Big Data without big headaches – how to get the strategy right?

Implementing the strategies of Big Data is like chewing the food cooked up with stones!

Big Data is amazing, but implementing those strategies in the runtime environment is a very tough task. But if you get the strategies right way, then it won’t be a difficult one. 

Big Data is growing and a number of employees appointed every year for the organization have grown from 500 in 2014 to 1500 in 2015. And research says that it will still grow and by the end of this decade it will be something huge and tremendous.

Check out some of the few things of how to get the strategy work perfectly without headaches.

The right talent can guide you

Big data has changed a lot in today’s world. It is a transformation, that has brought in today’s lifestyle and in the ways, people are working. But this is not possible if there are no talents in the organization. According to the Tech Partnership and SAS big data experts are set to rise by 160%. Organization should look up for the best employees with the talented skills and have the focus on the strong analytics. Firms also must ensure that employee possesses the skill of 3V’s i.e. Velocity, Variety and Volume. Andrew Marks the MD for energy in Accenture Technology Strategy quotes his idea that it is much important to access the lot of eyes to produce unique results. Organization may also look for the employee's social media profiles for how they are demonstrating their expertise via the digital medium. This all stated above information can aid you in getting a right talented person and that can aid you in solving the glitches of big data with less headache.

You must know the importance of the big data in the business

If people predict that, big data is not for the organization than you are surely getting misguided. Big Data is the assets of the organization. From small startup to the large scale enterprise, every firm generates data. Even if the company has its own website or a social media presence, smart cards transaction and more, it can gather out the information for the customer, user experience, and web traffic. Big Data will also enable the firms to the better market and customer intelligence. From sales to delivery, sensors to tracking, big data can improve the efficiency and operations for all kind of business. Mobility also enables real-time data collection from the field, adding to the pool of knowledge that will drive insights in another part of the system. A Little modification to the sales and marketing strategies can have a profound impact on the big data.

Did you forget Data Science? Take advantage of it

Big Data is never a headache if you take the guidance of data scientist. Data Scientist is the most amazing thing of the digital world. Data Scientist is the people who can analyze all this data with the complete and detailed information. Taking the information and plugging it into business intelligence system and data warehouse turns out to be the huge focus for business. There are a lot may things that data scientist can do; fetch out the detailed information from out of the various sources of data. With the data science, you can enhance your firm with the customer relationship management, a stack of service analysis, capacity planning and more.

Thursday 6 October 2016

How to successfully start eCommerce business

Despite great depressions or recessions, it remains certain that there always is room for businesses created by innovators willing to continue dreaming. While different markets and industries decline over time, others rise to take their place. Commerce would always be vital in some form or another so long as humankind exists. 

Business persons are driven to continuously create, innovate and sell. Furthermore, as technology continues to shape behavior online, people are leaning towards eCommerce as their way to purchase. Applying specific attitudes and ingredients would make an eCommerce startup business successful. There are strategies to build a successful eCommerce startup business, which include the following:

1. Plan for the eCommerce business. Planning could include a company description, which is a high-level overview of the business, products or services, consumers and competitive advantages. There should also be a market analysis, a research on the industry and target market. An operational plan covers the daily business operations, from location, hours to accounting and inventory. An operation and management plan tells a person about the major players of the business, who owns it, manages it and more.

2. Prepare the budget for the startup. eCommerce startup businesses need an accurate budget to help balance the finances and create business goals. One could design a weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly budget. A startup should develop one general budget that will capture projected expenditures and sales revenues. Without a solid budget, a new business could spend more than it will earn and become insolvent. Avoid overspending by keeping aware of the money allocation but leave enough room for unexpected costs or income shortfalls.

3. Focus on services and quality. An eCommerce business should focus on creating a structured system that will define how every department of the startup, such as marketing, finance, HR, tech and more would be run at optimum output. To make the systems sensible and workable, there should also be the right tools to handle daily operations. Select a business model that works for the startup and determine who to market to, why they would want the product or service and how much they will pay for it.

4. Prepare marketing and strategy. There are plenty of ways to market a startup. The key to marketing successfully, however, heavily relies on the ability tell stories that the target audience could relate to. The following are strategies that offer substantial and measurable returns.

5. Strategic and collaboration partnerships. Align the online startup with companies that have already significant reach. Find opportunities with brands that will complement the product offering for unique value for customers.

6. Create relationships with influencers. Build real relationships with people who are influential in the industry. They could give the startup a push through endorsements, resources of publication in a high profile magazine and introductions to major decision makers.

7. Growth hacks and sharing incentives. Make sharing a crucial part of what makes the buying experience rewarding, fun, meaningful and exciting for customers. It is a strategy that works for a lot of successful companies such as DropBox that provide free use of their premium course work to capture attention and buy-in from users.

8. Put content on steroids. Assess what the competition in making and how they are performing. Pay attention to content that performs well and then go a step further to make something better.

Business entrepreneurs always are driven to continuously innovate, create and sell. In addition, as technology continues to shape online behavior, more and more people are leaning towards eCommerce as a way of buying. Applying certain attitudes and ingredients will make an eCommerce startup business become successful, particularly in today's time.

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Top 6 Tips for using Google Allo

Google Allo is in much buzz and is supposed to be the next big thing in the messaging app. The new smart app is much actually amazing if you have used its competitor’s app Whatsapp, Line, telegram and more.

You won’t have much trouble finding your way around Google Allo if you spend some time and know it, but here there are some tips and tricks that you have missed.

1. Editing your profile: For this moment, Google Allo profiles are not so appealing. Just it would enable to add your name and profile picture. It allows you to set up the profile when you are set up with the app. To edit your profile—either the picture or the name—tap the menu button in the upper left corner, go to the profile and tap the edit button in the upper right corner of your picture. Edit the photo and SAVE.

2. Search messages by keywords: The search thing in the Google Allo is quite amazing because it can dig into your message history to find the keywords. Tap the search icon to open the search bar; type the keyword you are looking for, and a result would come up automatically. On clicking the results would directly go to the message with the keyword in it. For now, the search bar currently appears in the Android version of the Google Allo app.

3. Set up custom notification sound: Custom notification is one of the handy features if you wish to prioritize some messages. To set a custom notification, open the chat window of that person. Open the profile by tapping on the top of the screen. It will enable to see the profile and also the current Notification Sound. Tap on it to get the list of sound and choose the appropriate one which you wish to play when that person sends a message to you.

4. Find your personal photo with the Google Assistant: Google Assistant is just not a chat tool but also a personal assistant connected to your Google account. This would enable you to ask the assistant to search your personal information. For instance the recent news, yesterday’s e-mails, upcoming flights and display them in the chat box. To do this, open up the Google Assistant chat and type “what’re my flights” to know the upcoming travel plans.

5. Disconnect your Google Account: Google Allo connects automatically to the Google account but you can easily disconnect this account or move to the account.

6. Events, Reminders, and Alarm: Google Assistant can add events to your calendar, set up reminders and set your phone’s alarm. To add an event you need to open up the chat and move to “add to calendar”. The assistant will help you by adding your event name and date.