HTML5 and CSS3 have swept the web by storm in very short time. Web development company should start suggesting it to their clients to help them boost experiences & attract more clientele
HTML5 and CSS3 have swept the web by storm in just two years. A web development company should move on and start using it today to boost experiences & attract more clientele
In just a few months of launch,
HTML5 and CSS3 have swept the web by storm. Before these two, there have been a lot of altered semantics in the way that web developers and designers are expected to build web pages, and with their arrival comes a myriad of awesome supports like XML-style tags, progressive input attributes, alternative media for web designers to gain dreamy features such as animation. While most developers seem to show potential but complex demos, HTML5/CSS3 are really not rocket science.

There are numerous reasons for the use of HTML5. But mostly, because a developer would be working with the worldwide internet standards the same as every other designer. In this way, a designer or a developer could look for more support on the internet and the websites would get rendered properly in modern browsers which are updated and improved frequently.
The following provides a basic overview of why HTML5 and CSS3 are very critical to modern web apps and websites and how using these two would be invaluable to any web designer. Both helps a web developer or a web development company boost the visibility of a website. HTML5 has had a comparatively turbulent history. It is well-known to all that HTML is the principal markup language that is used in describing content or data on the web. HTML5 is the current iteration of this markup language. It includes enhancements to existing features, new features, and scripting-based APIs as well. HTML5 is not a reformulation of the past versions, but includes all valid elements from HTML4 and XHTML 1.0. Moreover, it has been designed with a few primary principles in mind to ascertain that it works on just about any platforms, gracefully handles errors and is compatible with older browsers.
HTML5 is a term that has been additionally used to refer to several other new technologies and APIs. For example, drawing with a canvas element, offline storage, new video and audio elements, drag-and-drop functionality, Microdata embedded fonts, and others. APIs stand for application programming interface. HTML5 offers a code with a set of ‘buttons’ that it could press to prompt the behavior desired from the system, browser or software library.
Along the way, the web markup evolved. Eventually, HTML4 gave way to XHTML, which really is just HTML4 with a stringent XML-style syntax. At present, both HTML4 and XHTML are in general use, yet HTML5 is gaining headway. The changes and additions to the HMTL language have been introduced with the aim of web pages being easier to use, code and access. Together with other standards such as WAI-ARIA and Microdata, the new semantics helps in making documents more accessible to machines as well as humans, which result in benefits for SEO (search engine optimization) and accessibility.
Another vital part of developing web pages is CSS (cascading Style Sheets). It is a style language which defines the way that HTML is styled or presented. CSS3 is the latest version. It is not merely a reference to new features in CSS but is a third level in the CSS specification progress. CSS3 has just about everything that is included in CSS2. Furthermore, it adds new features to help designers solve various problems with no need for non-semantic markup, extra images or complex scripting. New features include support for additional selectors, drop shadows, rounded corners, multiple backgrounds, animation, transparency, and lot more.
To create gradients in the past, rounded corners, shadows, web designers have had to resort to some tricky techniques. At times, extra HTML elements were needed. In some cases in which HTML is kept fairly clean, scripting tweaks are needed. When it comes to the gradients using extra images was inevitable. CSS3 enables one to include these as well as other design elements in a forward-thinking way, which leads to a lot of benefits. The benefits are maintainable code, clean markup accessible to both humans and machines, lesser extraneous images and faster loading pages.
Bloggers worldwide have been talking about the new HTML5 and CSS3 trends and sharing resources to the public. The time is evolving and the web community is evolving with them. A
web development company should start using HTML5 and CSS3 today and suggest it to their clients so that they also can leveraging the benefits. The community would be a much more innovative and exciting playground, which in turn would boost experiences for as well as drawn in more users and thus attract more clientele.